Git Sweep Alias - Deleting stale local remote-tracking branches
I never remember the command for cleaning my remote branches so I decided to create an alias for them.
The alias#
This is a shortcut for the git fetch --prune command and a script that finds branches marked as gone
then deletes all of them. There's more detail about the process here:
Setting the alias#
You can use set them using the git config command or edit the git config file directly.
Here's the command to set the alias with the git config
Here's what the config file should look like with the alias added:
! "git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -D"
Special Thanks#
Thank you Erik Schierboom for providing the solution. Hopefully, this gets added directly into git one day. This alias is super useful for maintaining your repositories.