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Dynamically creating component layouts in JavaScript

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One function in a new file is all you need#

Check this out!

// BlockListItem.js

/// HTML Output
///<li class="block-list-item" data-controller="block-list-item" data-block-list-item-url-value="{{url}}">
// <span>{{url}}</span>
// <button class="primary" data-action="block-list-item#delete">Remove</button>
// </li>
export function create(url) {
    let urlSpan = document.createElement("span");
    urlSpan.textContent = url;

    let removeButton = document.createElement("button");
    removeButton.textContent = "Remove";
    removeButton.setAttribute("data-action", "block-list-item#delete");

    let blockListItem = document.createElement('li');
    blockListItem.setAttribute("data-controller", "block-list-item");
    blockListItem.setAttribute("data-block-list-item-url-value", url);


    return blockListItem;

...and just like that, you have a component layout that can be reused across multiple vanilla JS code files!

Reusing the layout across different JavaScript files.#

In another JavaScript file, you could can use this component layout like this:

import * as BlockListItemElement from "./BlockListItem.js";

// Somewhere down in the code, we'll create the HTML layout for the component:
let url = "";
let blockListItem = BlockListItemElement.create(url);